My first published novel, FATAL REMEDY, is a medical thriller inspired by the controversy over anti-depressant drug therapies for children, ethical and criminal issues in psychiatry and the power of Big Pharma.
From the back cover:
When Minneapolis sports psychologist Anthony Robson refers his wife to a psychiatrist for a prescription, he believes he’s putting her in the hands of a trusted colleague. But when she becomes Dr. Clayton Shepherd’s latest conquest, Anthony’s life and family are blown apart. As he plunges into a breakneck mission to shut down a sexual predator, Anthony teams up with state medical board investigator and military medical tech Camilla Black to uncover the string of suicides, broken lives and crimes strewn in the psychiatrist’s wake. Along the way, Anthony and Camilla discover that they’re not alone in a race to strip the psychiatrist of his license to kill.
$16.00 US/$22.50 Can.
Trade Paperback | 331 pages
Trade Paperback | 331 pages